On-Page Factors(网页因素 )google独立站

2020年7月2日18:49:36 发表评论

网页因素 - On-Page Factors

On-Page Factors(网页因素 )google独立站



<body>, <div>, <p>, <span>, no tag

Alt Text

<img src="http://www.example.com/example.png" alt="On-Page Factors(网页因素 )google独立站" alt="Keyword">








以一个网页的内容来说,为什么值得目前搜索的排名结果,是应该依照搜索者的观点来看的,当然对于搜索引擎来说这也是非常重要的,因此,创建优质内容是非常重要的, 什么是优质内容呢? 从SEO的角度来看,所有好的内容都需要有两个要点,好的内容必须提供需求,并且是可以被链接的。


就如同全球经济市场相同,消息会依照供应与需求的关系而受到影响。 最优质的网页内容是可以提供最大需求的工作, 它可能是一个XKCD漫画的形式,是向一大批技术专家提供书呆子笑话,或者可能是维基百科的一篇文章,向全世界解释Web 2.0的定义。 它可以是一个视频,一个图像,一个声音或文本,但它必须提供一个需求,才能被认为是好的内容。


从SEO的角度来看,互联网上的最优质和最差劲的内容如果不可链接,就会无法区别优劣,如果人们不能链接到它,搜索引擎将无法排名,因此内容无法进入到互联网的流量当中。 不幸的是,这种情况比我们想像的要多得多。 其中的一些例子包括:AJAX显示的灯箱效果,必须在真正进入网站后才可浏览到内容,而且是无法复制或分享的内容。 无法提供需求或不可连接的网页内容在搜索引擎的眼中是不利的,而且在某一些人眼中是非常不友善的。

标题标签 Title Tag

链接 URL




这个URL清楚地显示了往页上的消息层次结构(是在一般RWD分类下的responsive-web-design相关历史消息)。 这个消息被用来确定搜索引擎对于特定网页的相关性。 由于层次结构,搜索引擎可以推断出页面可能不属于一般历史消息,而是属于RWD相关的历史消息。 这使得它成为与responsive-web-design历史消息相关的搜索结果的理想候选者。 所有这些消息都可以被推测,甚至不需要处理页面上的内容。



URL结构非常重要,因为它有助于搜索引擎了解相对重要性,并为特定页面添加有用的相关性度量标准。 从锚点文本的角度来看,也是有帮助的,因为如果关键字包含在URL中,人们更可能与相关的名词或短句做联想。


网站的内容就等同网站的肉,也是浏览者来到网站的原因。理想的网页内容应该是一个特定的主题 - 通常是一个产品或一个主题对象 - 并且是高度相关的。


  • Title tag 标题
  • URL 链接
  • Content of page 网页内容
  • Image alt text 图片文本解说



  • 与特定主题(通常是产品或单个对象)高度相关。
    • 在标题标签中包含主题。
    • 在URL中包含主题。
    • 包括主题在图像替代文本。
    • 在文本内容中多次指定主题。
  • 提供关于给定主题的独特内容。
  • 链接回到分类网页。
  • 链接回到子类别网页。(如果有的话)
  • 链接回到主要网页。(通常会放置在网页左上角的网站LOGO图片做链接)

On-Page Ranking Factors

The way your page is optimized can have a huge impact on its ability to rank.

What are On-Page Ranking Factors for SEO?

On-page ranking factors can have a big impact on your page's ability to rank if optimized properly. The biggest on-page factors that affect search engine rankings are:

Content of Page

The content of a page is what makes it worthy of a search result position. It is what the user came to see and is thus extremely important to the search engines. As such, it is important to create good content. So what is good content? From an SEO perspective, all good content has two attributes. Good content must supply a demand and must be linkable.

Good content supplies a demand:

Just like the world’s markets, information is affected by supply and demand. The best content is that which does the best job of supplying the largest demand. It might take the form of an XKCD comic that is supplying nerd jokes to a large group of technologists or it might be a Wikipedia article that explains to the world the definition of Web 2.0. It can be a video, an image, a sound, or text, but it must supply a demand in order to be considered good content.

Good content is linkable:

From an SEO perspective, there is no difference between the best and worst content on the Internet if it is not linkable. If people can’t link to it, search engines will be very unlikely to rank it, and as a result the content won’t drive traffic to the given website. Unfortunately, this happens a lot more often than one might think. A few examples of this include: AJAX-powered image slide shows, content only accessible after logging in, and content that can't be reproduced or shared. Content that doesn't supply a demand or is not linkable is bad in the eyes of the search engines—and most likely some people, too.
On-Page Factors(网页因素 )google独立站

From: A Visual Guide to Keyword Targeting & On-Page SEO

Title Tag

Title tags are the second most important on-page factor for SEO, after content. You can read more information about title tags here.


Along with smart internal linking, SEOs should make sure that the category hierarchy of the given website is reflected in URLs.

The following is a good example of URL structure:

  • http://www.example.org/games/video-game-history

This URL clearly shows the hierarchy of the information on the page (history as it pertains to video games in the context of games in general). This information is used to determine the relevancy of a given web page by the search engines. Due to the hierarchy, the engines can deduce that the page likely doesn’t pertain to history in general but rather to that of the history of video games. This makes it an ideal candidate for search results related to video game history. All of this information can be speculated on without even needing to process the content on the page.

The following is a bad example of URL structure:

  • http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569

Unlike the first example, this URL does not reflect the information hierarchy of the website. Search engines can see that the given page relates to titles (/title/) and is on the IMDB domain but cannot determine what the page is about. The reference to “tt0468569” does not directly infer anything that a web surfer is likely to search for. This means that the information provided by the URL is of very little value to search engines.

URL structure is important because it helps the search engines to understand relative importance and adds a helpful relevancy metric to the given page. It is also helpful from an anchor text perspective because people are more likely to link with the relevant word or phrase if the keywords are included in the URL.

SEO Best Practice

Content pages are the meat of websites and are almost always the reason visitors come to a site. Ideal content pages should be very specific to a given topic—usually a product or an object—and be hyper-relevant.

The purpose of the given web page should be directly stated in all of the following areas:

  • Title tag
  • URL
  • Content of page
  • Image alt text

Here is an example of a well-laid-out and search engine–friendly web page. All of its on-page factors are optimized.

On-Page Factors(网页因素 )google独立站

The content page in this figure is considered good for several reasons. First, the content itself is unique on the Internet (which makes it worthwhile for search engines to rank well) and covers a specific bit of information in a lot of depth. If a searcher had question about Super Mario World, there is a good chance, that this page would answer their query.

Aside from content, this page is laid out well. The topic of the page is stated in the title tag (Super Mario World – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), URL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_World), the page's content (the page heading, "Super Mario World"), and within the alt text of every image on the page.

The following example is of a poorly optimized web page. Notice how it differs from the first example.

On-Page Factors(网页因素 )google独立站

This figure shows a less search engine–friendly example of a content page targeting the term "Super Mario World." While the subject of the page is present in some of the important elements of the web page (title tag and images), the content is less robust than the Wikipedia example, and the relevant copy on the page is less helpful to a reader.

Notice that the description of the game is suspiciously similar to copy written by a marketing department. “Mario’s off on his biggest adventure ever, and this time he has brought a friend.” That is not the language that searchers write queries in, and it is not the type of message that is likely to answer a searcher's query. Compare this to the first sentence of the Wikipedia example: “Super Mario World is a platform game developed and published by Nintendo as a pack–in launch title for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.”. In the poorly optimized example, all that is established by the first sentence is that someone or something called Mario is on an adventure that is bigger than his or her previous adventure (how do you quantify that?) and he or she is accompanied by an unnamed friend.

The Wikipedia example tells the reader that Super Mario World is a game developed and published by Nintendo for the gaming system Super Nintendo Entertainment System–the other example does not. Search results in both Bing and Google show the better optimized page ranking higher.

An Ideally Optimized Web Page

An ideal web page should do all of the following:

  • Be hyper-relevant to a specific topic (usually a product or single object)
    • Include subject in title tag
    • Include subject in URL
    • Include subject in image alt text
    • Specify subject several times throughout text content
  • Provide unique content about a given subject
  • Link back to its category page
  • Link back to its subcategory page (If applicable)
  • Link back to its homepage (normally accomplished with an image link showing the website logo on the top left of a page)


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: